Displaying items by tag: LEE HARVEY OSWALD

In this review of a new book called The Oswalds, James Norwood makes it clear that in spite of a direct and personal connection to his subject, author Paul Gregory relies heavily on discredited evidence to make the case that Oswald really was the lone assassin of JFK.

Thursday, 17 November 2022 19:24

Worse Than I Thought: A Mother In History

This follow-up to an earlier article is a deep and disturbing dive into the source material of Jean Stafford's 1966 profile of Marguerite Oswald, A Mother In History. As John Kelin discovered, the book is false and misleading, almost start-to-finish.

Monday, 14 November 2022 20:05

Dale Myers and his World of Illusion

Lone Nut supporter Dale Myers recently attacked Oliver Stone's film, JFK Revisited. Stone's screenwriter, James DiEugenio, demonstrates how groundless those attacks are with this detailed reply.

Saturday, 29 October 2022 22:22

JFK Assassination Records Lawsuit

A new lawsuit charges that the government is delaying the release of thousands of documents relating to the JFK assassination. CBS News gave the issue national attention on a recent newscast.

Sunday, 16 October 2022 19:31

The Garrison Files and Oswald’s Escort

Credible statements from multiple witnesses link Lee Harvey Oswald to what author Paul Bleau calls "escorts," who may in turn point to JFK's true assassins.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022 21:46

The Killing Floor

This documentary by Rich Negrete demonstrates how the Warren Commission suppressed testimony from three women placing Lee Oswald far from the so-called sniper's nest in the critical moments.

Sunday, 18 September 2022 22:42

A Mother In History: The Stafford Archive

In this article John Kelin examines evidence that author Jean Stafford falsified at least one quote attributed to Marguerite Oswald, in her profile A Mother in History.

Saturday, 10 September 2022 22:50

The Garrison Files and Exposing the FPCC, Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, Paul Bleau delves further into the FPCC and demonstrates how Lee Harvey Oswald and Clay Shaw’s New Orleans work environments overlap in the leadup to JFK's assassination.

We publish here Jim DiEugenio’s slides from his JFK Revisited: Destiny Betrayed presentation at Antelope Valley College on March 22, 2022, where he presents the basic facts of the case to the next generation after first outlining the cultural and media milieu of the day and then concluding with the dark and lasting consequences of the assassination on U.S. foreign policy.

Saturday, 16 April 2022 23:26

Cleaning up after My Debate with Buzzanco

While Oliver Stone was excited about the results of Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco on Aaron Good’s podcast American Exception, Jim follows up on the debate in this article by addressing some of the charges made during the debate which require careful and detailed refutation.

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